The KJV is a translation just like NIV, NASV, ASV, Message, Living Bible, Amplified, etc, etc. They are all guilty. They are translations. Each one done in a different time and authorized by different sources. The KJV is a translation no better or worse than others. It depends on your need.
The KJV was authorized by King James I. He certainly was no holy man. When the supporters of this version talk, they sometimes speak of the fact that it is the authorized version. So was every other translation.
If you are a purist you might want to consider taking Hebrew and Greek so you do not have to rely on a translation. But even if you so this, remember that there are no original manuscripts of the bible. They do not exist. The nearest thing we have are the dead sea scrolls. But they are copies of a source nearest the original.
Just a warning. Be careful how you berate other translations over the KJV. It is no different and somewhat difficult because of its usage of the old English. To speak of it as of Satan is very dangerous. You will have more questions about your stand than you can answer.
Every translation is a serious effort to bring the bible into a language we can understand. And, by the way, what translation do the various language groups use. If you speak an very obscure chinese dialect how are you going to ever read a King James Version. To listen to some you are in big trouble. You probably will never make it to heaven. I think the proverbial Saint Peter is going to check at the gate to see what translation you have been using. Excuse me, I am going to look for my old KJV. I think it is here somewhere being neglected.
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