Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Numbers just make sense

Our world has gone over the 7 billion mark in its population bomb.  India is now challenging China for the top spot in the numbers game.  The way we traditionally and very personally identify each of those who make up the mass of people is with a name. We like our names.  We did not choose it but it is ours.

However, more and more the governments of our world want us to become numbers.  Names are to difficult to use when dealing with billions of people.  Names can be the same and are duplicated.  As time marches on and more and more people enter our world names are going to become a problem.  Numbers will be easier for the use of identifications.

Think for a moment.  How many numbers do you have connected with your name?  At birth a birth certificate number is given to you.  In the USA and other countries Social Security numbers are issued to each child born in the country.  As we move through our lives a collection of numbers increases.  Various numbers are used in the school system.  Drivers licenses, credit cards, hospital insurance cards, marriage license, passport numbers and on and on it goes.  We each have a hugh collection of numbers associated with our ID.

ID thieve has become a hugh uncontrollable crime.  People steal other people's ID numbers and are successfully stealing from them.  Banks are moving us very quickly into a numbering system.  Banks are using account numbers.  These include ATM machine numbers.  Each deposit or withdrawal has a number.

It would make sense for the governments of the world to agree to a universal numbering system that could be given to each person.  It would become the one number that the person would use for transactions.  Each person would have a number that no one else would have.  It would be your secure number.

Whether you visit your bank or a government office.  It would be the same number.  When you go to the grocery store you could paid for your food with a number.  Go to the drug store and get your medicine.  No matter what transaction would be required of you during a normal day you would have that one and only number.

It makes sense.  It would simplify things.  For the governments it would be a great problem solver.  When the planes struck the twin towards in the  USA killing thousands, the ID of these people who carried out the act was a hugh problem.  They each had several pass passports and various other kinds of ID numbers.  Who were these terrorists?  More importantly where are they today.

One number for each person.  A great ideal whose time is quickly coming.  You would just have to be careful that you did not lose your number.  If you did or if someone else got control of your number you would be in trouble.

However, the government is ahead of us and is moving in a deliberate direction that will not only bring us into this worldwide numbering system but it will become the law of the land.  Everyone must have this number in order to control the misuse or lost a controlling.

The world of science has come to the rescue.  More specifically the electronic world has come into the picture.  This world of electronics is moving faster than our small minds can keep up with.  Enter the world of computers and the fascinating microchips come into their greatest use.  A vast mysterious world that allows man through its use to number, track, control, signal, identify, and any other problems that has to do with individual IDs.

The Bible some 2,000 years ago talked about this system. Amazing!  It revealed a time would come when everyone would be required to take a number.  It would be a personalized number that would be imbedded into the skin of each person.  It would be so incredibly small that you would not be able to see it with the naked eye.  It could only be seen through an electronic reading device.

No more credit cards to worry about losing.  My ATM machine would be safe.  I could not be suspected of being a terrorist.  The banks would be happy.  Working with the governments a no money society could be created.  That would deal with the stealing of paper money.  Who could buy drugs?  If you stole a car how would you sell it?

The book of Revelation is THE book to turn to if you want to read about some of these.  It is merely introduced and is a mystery but it is there.  Predicted by the Apostle John as he wrote the book.  The number that is symbolicly used is 666.  It is said to be the number of man indicating this whole system would come from man.

Revelation 13 tells us the extend of the use of this required numbering system:

     1.  Everyone will be forced to take the number.  It will be government required.

     2.  There would be no "special" people left out.  Small and great.  Rich and poor.  Free and slave.

     3.  Those who refused will be killed.  After all they could be a terrorist.

     4.  Even the location on the body is told.  The forehead or right hand would be the place.  It would not matter which because it will not be seen.

     5.  No buying or selling could be done without the number.  The money to pay would be in the system.

     6.  It is referred to as the number of man.

     7.  Those who take the number are doomed for eternity.

Scriptures to read?  Revelation 13:16; 14:9;  15:2; 16:2; 20$

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