Sunday, September 11, 2011


I am 35,000 feet in the air traveling at about 600 mph. That's 5,000 feet higher than Mount Everest.  I've just had a bowl of Japanese noodles.  I want to sleep a little.  However, my mind is busy.  It's amazing how our minds tend to control us.  I always think when I am flying that I am closer to God.  That's probably not true.  We are just as close to Him with our feet on the ground as in the air.  Maybe it is our mind that confuses this simple truth.  God is everywhere at all times.  That is comforting.  The flight I am on has a purpose.  I am not ramblingly traveling.  I am returning to God's place for me.  Ramblingly traveling has an attraction for most of us but you can only ramble so long and so far.  You then must return to a purpose.  That's the way of those who follow God.  There is a purpose.  Even very small things can be meaningful.  I don't always return to God's purpose easily.  There is a dragging of the feet at times, as I slowly move in that direction.  The human side of me desires other meaningless things.  Things that really have no real purpose except giving me a little pleasure for a very short time.  I always have this sense of satisfaction at the end of each day when I have followed His purpose.  I feel so empty when I have come to the end of the day and the only reason for tiredness is meaningless activity.  Not that it is wrong.  And perhaps we need it at times.  It is just not fulfilling.

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