Saturday, December 31, 2011

Finishing on a high note.

If it were not for our calendar we may never know that anything is new about another day that has arrived. It all seems the same.  We can't really leave anything behind.  And there is not much newness about the "new year."  But in keeping with the very strong tradition we embrace 2012 with excitement that we create ourselves.  We make as much noise as we possibly can.  We sing and dance.  We use the time as an excuse to eat as much of the best food we crave all year.  We finally fall exhausted into a bed.  It may even be our own bed.

The next morning?  Well, it all appears to be the same as the old.  Problems have not vanished.  Faces are all the same.  The phone still rings.  The day starts as usual.

However, there is something serious about the whole process.  The New Year certainly gives us a chance to pause and think back over the old one.  What could I have done better?  What regrets do I have?  Do I have more pluses than minus?

I would like to finish well.  However, the year of 2011 may have started, I would like to be able to say, "I have finished well."  That is the way life is.  The finishing is very important.  We all would like to finish on a high note.  The high note finish allows us to put behind us regrets, failures and other unpleasant things that we really don't need to take into the new year.

So, here we go.  Ready or not. the new year is here.  Let's start right and finish on a high note for our Lord.  There is much He will want us to do this year.  LET'S DO IT.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Bibles for China

Last night I had a wonderful dinner with Pastor Hong Yang and his wife Esther.  I was joined by Sue and my daughter Beth, husband and my two precious grand children  I was so glad my family was there to hear up to date news of China.  Through this pastor I have met many underground pastors who face the most severe trials in order to preach, teach and live out their Christian faith.

Dr Hong told of the severe shortage of Bibles in China.  Even though, the Chinese government tells the world that there are Bibles being published in their country and everyone who really wants a Bible can get one.  This is propaganda.  The underground churches have one Bible for every few hundred people.  Many Christians hand write their own Bibles.  They share them among themselves.

Dr Hong then shared how he came to know Jesus by hearing the Bible.  He was 20 years of age and had gotten very special permission to read the Bible.  Because of his studies he was given two weeks to read the forbidden book.  He began in Genesis chapter one where he found that God had created man in His image. He had always been taught and believed in evolution.  Something happened deep inside of him.  He read as fast as he could.  He started writing as much of the Bible he could in the two weeks.

The reading of the Bible brought him into a personal relationship with Jesus.  "Faith comes from hearing the word."  The power of the word will change a person's life.  We must do everything we can to get Bibles to these dear people.  I will be visiting the underground churches in April.  I know some of the pastors already.  I need to know more about what we can do.

In the mean time, pray.  Let us seek guidance from our Lord who just what we can do. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Surprised by the New Year

The child in me likes surprises.  I even enjoy using the word surprise when I can.  It is pleasant.  The surprises that come from the hand of our Lord are not always seen as such.  We sometimes receive them without much thought and subsequently no thanks is given for them.

I am not sure many consider the giving of time to us by our Lord as a surprise.  We take it and off we go into our world of activities. Not considering how precious the gift of time is.

Next Sunday morning our Lord will surprise us with a New Year.  It will not be the same as the year we are leaving and it will hold all kinds of surprises as we enjoy each new day.  2011 brought so many surprises and I am looking forward to 2012 and all that our Lord will give to us.

There is a verse in Psalm 139:16 that fills my mind full of thoughts at times like this.  David writes, "All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be."  I do not have some deep theological explanation to add to this.  My only thoughts are that God is in control and what He hands me each day will be good for me.

God bless your surprises for 2012.  You do not know now what they will be but you do know that each day will comes from the loving hands of a Father that loves you deeply.  From His hands to yours.  I will be good.  HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Monday, December 26, 2011

You are not Christian IF:

1.  If you do not believe in the virgin birth of Jesus.

2.  If you do not believe that Jesus was/is the only Messiah.

3.  If you do not believe that He was/is the WORD of John 1:1.

4.  If you do not believe that Jesus is God.

5.  If you do not believe that Jesus is the ONLY way to the Father.

6.  If you do not believe that He is the only One who can deal with your sin problem.

7.  If you do not believe that His blood is the cleansing element of sin.

8.  If you do not believe He was/is the fulfillment of every Old Testament prophecy concerning the promised Messiah.

9.  If you do not believe His death met the demands of the law of God concerning sin.

10.  If you just do not believe.

You may be religious but you are not Christian!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Attempting to go before God without a Savior.

What is it that sets Christianly off from most other religions of the world?  It is that we have a Savior.  His name is Jesus.  He is the only Savior we have or need.  He has been accepted by the Father as our Savior.  When we go before the Father we always go through our Savior.  The Father then accepts us, listens to us and answer our prayers because of our Savior.

Our sins have will always keep us from going to the Father without a Savior.  It is not that we have committed so many sins.  Yes we have.  However, the problem is we are sinners.  Because we are sinners, we sin.  What else can a sinner do?  We sin deliberately.  We sin carelessly.  We sin without knowing it.  But it is because we are sinner.

So how do we approach a holy God whose eyes are too pure to look on evil? (Habakkuk 1:13)  We go through the Savior He has provided for us.  As we come to the Father, he looks at us, and He see the pure and holy righteousness of His Son instead of our sins.

The Savior He has provided has no substitutes.  You can not merely pray several times a time day and expect to be accepted by the Father.  You can not do religious things; you can not give a large amount of money; no long pilgrimages with take you there.  Not even a confession of your sins in the ears of someone is suppose to be God's representative.

Embrace Jesus for who He is.  He is the only Savior.  He can deal with your sins no matter how great.  You will be granted an access to the Father.  You will become His beloved one.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Just what is God's will for me?

For those who say that it is easy to know God's will for our lives probably are talking to the wind. Knowing just what God may want you to do requires a level of spiritual sensitivity that is more difficult than most would think.  Where do we start?

First,  you must know without wavering doubt that God does have a special calling for you.  You must know that you are not searching merely for a career or a position.  You must know that God does have a way for you to go.  It is His will.

Second,  you need to know what you gifts and talents are.  God usually does not ask us to do things that we simply have no inclination for.  There will be certain aspirations for what it may be God wants you to do.  Especially if it is to be a life time calling.

Third, A deep sense of fulfillment will settle upon you.  You will feel good at the aspect of doing what God calls to do.  You will want to do it.  You will look forward to giving yourself to it.

Fourth, a confirmation from other members of the body of Christ is very important.  They will see gifts you have.  People will be blessed by your calling and tell you so.

Fifth,  after answering the call you should thoroughly enjoy what you are doing for the Lord.  If you simply do not like what you are doing for the Lord you probably are not in the right calling.

Sixth, the will of God and thoughts of doing it will be with you day and night.  His will for you will not come and go but will simply be there each day, every night.  It simply does not go away.

Seventh, you will not be distracted by other worldly offers of more attractive, more lucrative positions.  Positions of honor, more money, pressures of various kinds will not be entertained by you.

Scriptures of interest:  Romans 12:1-2;  1 Peter 4:10; 1 John 2:17

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A leaderless world is ready for the anti-christ

The turmoil of 2011 is now being evaluated.  The wars continue unabated.  Earthquakes have brought devastation.   A worldwide economic collapse has circled the globe.  False religions are receiving recognition and acceptance.  Japan hit with earthquake, tsunami, and a nuclear disaster.  Uncontrollable suicide bombers continue their mission.  Security has become the priority everywhere.

Just when the world needs strong leadership it has none.  Leaders from the world meet and talk and come out of their huddles with nothing.  The strong voice that rises above all others is missing

The Middle East has become a world without leaders.  This all started the first part of 2011 when Tunisia overthrew its leader. Egypt followed.  Country after country revolted against their leaders.  One by one the heads of countries were either overthrown or left office by force.  Some 15 to 17 Middle East countries are still in a state rebellion against leadership.

In order for the Anti-Christ to take his place as a world leader he will need a stage set for him that holds no leadership competition for him.  Countries must be willing to bow at his feet in complete surrender of their countries to his leadership.  He will not have to use force at this stage.  It will have be given to him.

What will he bring to the office of world leadership?  He will solve our economy problems by using the powers of "the mark of the beast."  He will bring all religions together to worship one god.  He will solve the Israel/Arab conflict.  He will bring world governmental powers under his leadership.

His goals will be:

       1.  One world government.

       2,  One world religion.

       3.  One world economy.

What will 2012 hold for us?  The various crisis that circle our globe will continue.  New powerless leaders will appear and go away just as quickly.  Toleration will become THE movement.  Right and wrong will be replaced by something in the middle of the two.  There will be no sins only mistakes.  Those who take a strong stand for what is right will be mocked and pushed aside.  Church's influence will continue to erode.  A false religion will make its move for domination.  Security needs will usher in the first subtle approach to a worldwide identification system.

The stage is being set for the anti-christ but it also being set for the real Christ.  He is coming.  He will be Lord of all.  Jesus the only Saviour of man will come and will not delay.  Even so come Lord Jesus.