Saturday, December 3, 2011

A leaderless world is ready for the anti-christ

The turmoil of 2011 is now being evaluated.  The wars continue unabated.  Earthquakes have brought devastation.   A worldwide economic collapse has circled the globe.  False religions are receiving recognition and acceptance.  Japan hit with earthquake, tsunami, and a nuclear disaster.  Uncontrollable suicide bombers continue their mission.  Security has become the priority everywhere.

Just when the world needs strong leadership it has none.  Leaders from the world meet and talk and come out of their huddles with nothing.  The strong voice that rises above all others is missing

The Middle East has become a world without leaders.  This all started the first part of 2011 when Tunisia overthrew its leader. Egypt followed.  Country after country revolted against their leaders.  One by one the heads of countries were either overthrown or left office by force.  Some 15 to 17 Middle East countries are still in a state rebellion against leadership.

In order for the Anti-Christ to take his place as a world leader he will need a stage set for him that holds no leadership competition for him.  Countries must be willing to bow at his feet in complete surrender of their countries to his leadership.  He will not have to use force at this stage.  It will have be given to him.

What will he bring to the office of world leadership?  He will solve our economy problems by using the powers of "the mark of the beast."  He will bring all religions together to worship one god.  He will solve the Israel/Arab conflict.  He will bring world governmental powers under his leadership.

His goals will be:

       1.  One world government.

       2,  One world religion.

       3.  One world economy.

What will 2012 hold for us?  The various crisis that circle our globe will continue.  New powerless leaders will appear and go away just as quickly.  Toleration will become THE movement.  Right and wrong will be replaced by something in the middle of the two.  There will be no sins only mistakes.  Those who take a strong stand for what is right will be mocked and pushed aside.  Church's influence will continue to erode.  A false religion will make its move for domination.  Security needs will usher in the first subtle approach to a worldwide identification system.

The stage is being set for the anti-christ but it also being set for the real Christ.  He is coming.  He will be Lord of all.  Jesus the only Saviour of man will come and will not delay.  Even so come Lord Jesus.

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